Rabu, 25 November 2009


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.
With all due respect to the honorable judges, to the teacher from all Senior High Schools in Bekasi, and all the audience here, ladies and gentlemen… Good Morning!!

First of all, let us thank Allah SWT because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning. Shalawat and prayer, we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers. Amen.

In this chance, I would like to tell you my speech that has the theme “Go Green!”

Saving Our Planet is a program that was persuading the earthlings so that they would become more concern and care to their entire environment. It was because the civilization that has been created by the modern people in this millennium era had affected so many destructive impacts which are really needed to be concerned. These impacts are causing a new problem, The “Global Warming”. In prediction, that in the last 100 years the temperatures of our planet has increased by 1’ every year. Meanwhile, the ocean surface has increased for about 1 meter from its former level. The problem is, modern people not only wanted to increase their prosperity, but also increase their rate of comfortable & luxurious life.


Assalamu Alaikum wr.wb

Good morning, prayed before let us praise before God Almighty, who has gathered us without any shortage of.
Dear Miss maftuha as English tutor, and all my friends - friends whom I love and I am proud of.

Allow me to convey some important things about global warming.
Global Pemasan

Global warming is one of the most serious challenges facing us today. To protect the health and economic well-being of present and future, we must reduce our emissions of gases trap heat by using the technology, know-how, and practically our disposal.

Tropical forests are a source of emissions for many developing countries, but slowing deforestation can not solve the climate problem by itself. As a state forest-rich developing countries to take measures to reduce the responsibility of their emissions, all industrial countries should not only support their efforts but most importantly, reduce their own emissions, and efforts to prevent dangerous climate change.

Over the years we've heard a lot about the causes of climate change, that we have missed the fact that there is a simple, practical, which can slow the growth of this problem. Today there are technologies that can cut emissions of gases trap heat and make a real difference in the health of our planet. And this would be a good solution for our economy, we reduce dependence on foreign oil, and we increase the energy security.

PIDATO HIV versi Inggris

Assalamu Alaikum wr.wb

Good morning, prayed before let us praise before God Almighty, who has gathered us without any shortage of.
Dear Miss maftuha as English tutor, and all my friends - friends whom I love and I am proud of.

Allow me to convey some important things in preventing "the spread of HIV / AIDS. But before I tell a lot about how to prevent the spread of HIV / AIDS I want to explain what AIDS itself.

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a collection of symptoms of disease caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which damage the immune system. HIV virus destroying immune system, consequently the disease is usually not dangerous will cause someone to hurt and even die.
Because this disease is so dangerous and so far have not found a drug that can cure HIV / AIDS, we would have to consider some things that can prevent the spread of HIV AIDS are often also called ABCD

A Abstine
Which means here is stay away from sex change - change partners, even better for us not to have sex if not married
B Befaltful
Be faithful to each other with their partner
C Condom Use
If you still want to do hbungan sex, condom use for prevention of HIV transmission from people who are already infected.
D Drugs
Avoid the use of drugs in any kind, let alone the type of use of drugs using a syringe.

Maybe when things - things that I have to do, I'm sure the spread of HIV / AIDS will be stopped.
Therefore, to create a healthy life, is not healthy for now but also healthy in a future life free from the virus HIV / AIDS would we impart to the public that dangerous partner HIV / AIDS. The only way to protect themselves from HIV / AIDS is reducing sex and drug behavior.

And probably my last one message that, although the closest anyone you know has HIV / AIDS should not kucilkan them because they also have equal rights with us.

P I D A T O " Tentang HIV "

Salam sejahtera,

Selamat pagi, sebelumnya marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang sudah mengumpulkan kita tanpa kekurangan satu apapun.
Yang terhormat Ibu sudjini selaku guru pembimbing bahasa Indonesia, dan semua teman – teman yang saya cintai dan saya banggakan.

Ijinkanlah sayamenyampaikan beberapa hal penting dalam pencegahan “menyebarnya virus HIV/AIDS. Tetapi sebelum saya jauh menyampaikan tentang cara pencegahan menyebarnya HIV/AIDS saya ingin menjelaskan apakah AIDS itu sendiri.

AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) adalah suatu kumpulan gejala penyakit yang disebabkan oleh HIV(human immunodeficiency virus), yang merusak system kekebalan tubuh. Virus HIV merusak system kekebalan tubuh, akibatnya serangan penyakit yang biasanya tidak berbahaya akan menyebabkan seseorang akan sakit bahkan meninggal.
Karena begitu berbahanya penyakit ini dan sampai saat ini belum juga ditemukan obat yang dapat menyembuhkan HIV/AIDS, kiranya kita harus memperhatikan beberapa hal yang dapat mencegah penyebaran HIV AIDS yang sering juga disebut ABCD

A Abstine
Yang artinya disini adalah jauhilah seks berganti – ganti pasangan, walaupun lebih baik bagi kita tidak berhubungan seks apabila belum berstatus menikah
B Befaltful
Bersikaplah saling setia dengan pasangannya
C Condom Use
Apabila anda tetap ingin melakukan hbungan seks, gunakanlah condom untuk pencegahan penularan virus HIV dari orang yang sudah terinveksi.
D Drugs
HIndari pemakaian narkoba dalam jenis apapun, apalagi di jenis penggunaan drugs yang menggunakan jarum suntik.

Mungkin apabila hal – hal yang saya sampaikan dilakukan, saya yakin penyebaran HIV/AIDS akan terhenti.
Oleh karena itu untuk menciptakan kehidupan sehat, bukan sehat untuk saat ini tetapi juga sehat di kehidupan mendatang yang bebas dari Virus HIV/AIDS kiranya kita tanamkan kepada masyarakat bahwa sangan berbahayanya virus HIV/AIDS. Satu- satunya cara melindungi diri dari penularan HIV/AIDS adalah meredam perilaku seks dan narkotika.

Dan mungkin pesan terkahir saya bahwa, walaupun ada orang terdekat yang anda kenal mengidap HIV/AIDS janganlah kucilkan mereka karena mereka juga mempunyai hak yang sama dengan kita.

Senin, 23 November 2009


Assalaamu’alaikum wr wb.
Selamat siang saudara, salam sejahtera bagi kita semua yang hadir dalam kesempatan yang berbahagia ini.
Pertama-tama, mari kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Illahi Robbi, karena berkat rahmat dan karunianya lah kita dapat berkumpul dalam acara ini. Terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya saya ucapkan kepada Bapak Gubernur Jawa Barat dan Bapak Ketua KPK, serta pemerintah pada umumnya, yang telah memberikan penghargaan yang begitu berarti ini kepada saya. Tak pernah saya menyangka sebelumnya akan mendapatkan penghargaan yang luar biasa dari negara ini. Namun, ini semua semata-mata bukanlah hasil dari usaha saya pribadi, akan tetapi penghargaan ini merupakan hasil dari kerja keras saya bersama rekan-rekan yang mendedikasikan dirinya bagi perjuangan melawan korupsi di negeri Indonesia tercinta ini. Bagi kami, perjuangan melawan korupsi adalah perjuangan tanpa akhir, proses pembentukan suatu bangsa yang mapan, terbuka, dan selalu ada “kejujuran” dalam dada masyarakatnya, suatu bangsa yang entah kapan benar-benar menjadi kenyataan.
Sebelum kita mengenal lebih jauh mengenai korupsi, ada baiknya kita mengenal terlebih dahulu arti dari kata korupsi itu sendiri. Korupsi berasal dari bahasa latin corruptio atau corruptus. Corruptio berasal dari kata corrumpere, suatu kata latin yang lebih tua. Dari bahasa latin itulah turun ke banyak bahasa Eropa seperti Inggris yaitu corruption, corrupt; Perancis yaitu corruption; dan Belanda yaitu corruptie, korruptie. Dari bahasa Belanda inilah kata itu turun ke bahasa Indonesia menjadi korupsi (Andi Hamzah, 2005:4). Dalam Kamus Bahasa Indonesia, 1991, korupsi berarti busuk; palsu; suap. Akan tetapi, saya lebih setuju dengan arti kata korupsi dalam The Lexicon Webster Dictionary, 1978, yang menyebutkan arti kata korupsi adalah kebejatan; ketidakjujuran; tidak bermoral; penyimpangan dari kesucian.
Indonesia boleh bangga sebagai bangsa yang memiliki keanekaragaman suku, agama, dan budaya. Bangga karena dianugerahi keindahan alam nan menawan. Mungkin juga bangga akan kemajuan peradaban masa lalu, di jaman Majapahit ataupun Sriwijaya. Bangga karena berhasil mempersatukan bangsa, berjuang bersama melewati masa-masa sulit dan memerdekakan Indonesia. Tapi kini, masihkah itu semua cukup untuk kita banggakan ? Tidak adakah hal baru atau prestasi yang pantas kita banggakan? Prestasi yang tidak semua bangsa bisa dengan mudah menyainginya ?
Ignatius Haryanto dalam artikelnya di harian Kompas, mengajak kita mencatat prestasi terbaru bangsa Indonesia. Prestasi itu ialah, negara kita sebagai salah satu negara terkorup selama bertahun-tahun. Selain itu, negara kita juga merupakan negara yang koruptornya paling rentan dengan kesehatan. Koruptor kita selalu sakit setiap kali hendak diperiksa atau diadili. Lalu, PBB menyimpulkan bahwa korupsi peradilan di Indonesia adalah salah satu yang terburuk di dunia yang mungkin hanya bisa disaingi oleh Meksiko. Dan ironisnya, dari berbagai cara yang selama ini sudah ditempuh, belum terlihat perubahan yang baik dari kondisi bangsa ini. Lalu apa yang bisa kita berikan untuk bangsa ini ?
Matahari terlalu pagi mengkhianati. Pena terlalu cepat terbakar. Kemungkinan sekarang adalah memperbesar kemungkinan, pada ruang ketidakmungkinan. Sehingga setiap orang yang kami temui tak menemukan lagi satupun sudut kemungkinan. Untuk berkata tidak mungkin, sampai darah mereka mengering. Sebelum mata pena berkarat, dan menolak kembali terisi. Sebelum semua paru disesaki tragedi, dan pengulangan menemukan maknanya sendiri.
Dalam pasar dan semerbak tontonan. Atau mungkin dalam limbah dan kotoran. Atau mungkin dalam seragam sederetan nisan. Atau mungkin dalam pembebasan ala monitor 14 inch yang menawarkan hasrat pembangkangan, ala Levi’s dan Nokia. Atau menara teatrikal Supermall. Opera sabun panitia penyusun Undang-undang Pemilu yang membanyol tentang kekonyolan demokrasi, naratif berdasi. Menopengi mutilasi pembebasan dengan sengkarut argumentasi tentang bagaimana menyamankan posisi pembiasaan diri di hadapan seonggok tinja para sosok pembaharu dunia bernama pasar bebas. Dan perdagangan yang adil, untuk kemudian memperlakukan hidup seperti AKABRI, dan dikebiri matahari, terlalu pagi mengkhianati.
Dan heroisme berganti nama menjadi C4, sukhoi, dan fiksi berpagar konstitusi. Menjenguk setiap pesakitan dan upeti bunga pusara dari makam pahlawan tetangga. Dari berhala hingga anonimus bernama burung Garuda Pancasila, yang menampakkan diri pada hari setiap situs menjadi sepenggal bebatuan yang melayang pada poros yang sejajar dengan tameng dan pelindung wajah para penjaga makam firaun berkhakis. Yang muncul 24 jam matahari dan gulita bertukar posisi di setiap pojokan, bahkan di kampus umum dan selokan, mencari target konsumen, dan homogenisasi kelayakan. Maka setiap angka menjadi maka dan makna. Ketika kita disuguhi setiap statistik dan moncong senjata dengan ribuan unit SSK untuk menjaga stabilitas. Sejak hitam dan putih hanya berlaku di hadapan mata.
Menolak terasuki Setan dan Tuhan yang mewujud dalam ocehan canon-canon dukungan Big Mac dan Ice Cream Cone yang berseru “Beli, beli, beli, konsumsi, konsumsi kami sehingga kalian dapat berpartisipasi dalam usaha para anak negeri yang berjibaku untuk naik haji.” Oh betapa menariknya dunia yang sudah pasti. Menjamin semua nyawa dan pluralitas dengan lembaran kontrak asuransi, dengan janji pahala bertubi, dengan janji akumulasi nilai lebih, bursa saham, dan dengan semantik-semantik kekuasaan yang hanya berarti dalam kala ketika periode berkala para representatif di gedung parlemen memulai tawar menawar jatah kursi. Oh betapa indahnya dunia yang berkalang fajar poin-poin nista. Sehingga pion-pion negara yang berkubang di belakang pembenaran stabilisasi nasional menemukan pembenaran evolusi mereka dengan berbentangkan saluran-saluran pencerahan para rockstar yang lelah berkeluh kesah. Karena peluh mengering kasat di hadapan pasang giri lalat-lalat pasar, dan kiloan refleksi etalase, dan display berhala-berhala, berskala lebih takut dari ampas neraka. Di antara robekan surat rekomendasi para negara donor, perancang undang-undang dan fakta-fakta anti teror, para arsitek bahasa menaklukkan, para pengagung kebebasan, kebebasan yang hanya berlaku di hadapan layar flatron, kemajemukan ponsel, demokrasi kotak suara, dan pluralisme gedung rubuh.
Oh betapa agungnya dunia di hadapan barisan nisan yang dikebiri matahari, terlalu pagi mengkhianati. Maka, jangan ijinkan aku untuk mati terlalu dini wahai rotasi CD dan seperangkat boombox ringkih. Jangan ijinkan aku mendisiplinkan diri ke dalam barisan wahai tentara seluloid dan narasi. Dan demi perpanjangan tangan remah di mulutmu anakku, jangan ijinkan aku terlelap menjagai setiap sisa pembuluh hasrat yang kumiliki hari ini. Demi setiap huruf pada setiap fabel yang kututurkan padamu sebelum tidur zahraku, mentariku.
Jangan sedetikpun ijinkan aku berhenti menziarahi setiap makam tanpa pedang-pedang kala terhunus. Lelap tertidur tanpa satu mata membuka. Tanpa pagi mensponsori keinginan berpisah. Tanpa di lengan kanan dan kiriku adalah matahari dan rembulan, bintang dan sabit, palu dan arit, bumi dan langit, lautan dan parit, dan sayap dan rakit. Sehingga seluruh paruku sesak merakit setiap pasak-pasak kemungkinan terbesar, memperbesar setiap kemungkinan pada ruang ketidakmungkinan, sehingga setiap orang yang kami temui tak menemukan lagi satupun sudut kemungkinan, untuk berkata tidak mungkin, tanpa darah mereka mengering, sebelum mata pena berkarat, dan menolak kembali terisi.
Dan matahari tak mungkin lagi mengebiri pagi untuk mengkhianati,,
Ibarat sebuah tubuh, bangsa Indonesia sedang terjangkiti sebuah penyakit mematikan, yaitu korupsi ! Saking parahnya penyakit yang diderita, bangsa Indonesia pun menjadi kondang di seantero dunia. Si penyakitan sebutannya. Sudah saatnya kita mengobati tubuh ini dengan serius, jangan ada lagi korupsi di negeri ini ! Perubahan harus dimulai dari sekarang ! Mungkin bisa dimulai dengan menjauhi motto hidup sederhana bangsa ini, “Maju tak gentar membela yang bayar !”
Mohon maaf bila ada ucapan saya yang kurang berkenan di hati anda. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya. Wassalam.

pidato english by GiLanK RamAdHaN

Assalaamu'alaikum wr wb.

Good day to you, best wishes to all of us who attended this happy occasion.

First of all, let us praise and gratitude prayed the Divine presence of Robbi, for blessings and gifts that we can come together in this event. Thank you profusely I say to the Governor of West Java and Mr. Chairman Commission, and the government in general, which has provided award means so much to me. I never thought before going to get tremendous rewards from this country. However, this is not solely the result of my efforts personally, but this award is the result of my hard work with colleagues who dedicate themselves to the struggle against corruption in this beloved country Indonesia. For us, the struggle against corruption is a struggle without end, the process of forming a nation is established, open, and there is always "honesty" in the community chest, a nation that at some point actually become a reality.

Before we know more about corruption, it's good we know in advance the meaning of the word corruption itself. Corruption comes from the Latin corruptio or corruptus. Corruptio derived from corrumpere, a Latin word older. From the Latin words that fall into many European languages like English that is corruption, corrupt; France is corruption; and the Netherlands are corruptie, korruptie. From the Dutch language is the word down to a corrupt Indonesian (Andi Hamzah, 2005:4). In Indonesian Dictionary, 1991, corruption is bad; false; bribes. However, I much agree with the meaning of the word corruption in The Lexicon Webster Dictionary, 1978, which mentions the meaning of the word corruption is debauchery; dishonesty; not immoral; deviation from purity.

Indonesia should be proud as a nation that has a diversity of ethnic, religion, and culture. Proud to be blessed with enchanting natural beauty nan. May also proud of the progress of civilization of the past, the Majapahit era or Sriwijaya. Proud of having united the people, struggling together through the tough times and freeing Indonesia. But now, masihkah was enough for us all proud? Is not there anything new or worthy accomplishments we are proud? Achievement is not all nations could easily compete?

Ignatius Haryanto in an article in Kompas, we take note the latest achievements of the Indonesian nation. Achievement that is, our country as one of the most corrupt country for years. In addition, our country is also the country most vulnerable to koruptornya health. Corruptors we always get sick every time to review or trial. Then, the United Nations concluded that judicial corruption in Indonesia is one of the worst in the world that may only be rivaled by Mexico. And ironically, from a variety of ways that this has taken over, have not seen a good change from the condition of this nation. So what can we give to this nation?

The sun was too early to betray. Pena too quickly burning. The possibility now is to increase the likelihood, at the impossibility. So that every person we meet could not find a single point of possibility again. Not possible to say, until they dried blood. Before the eyes of a rusty pen, and refused to back loaded. Before all the tragedy filled lungs, and the repetition of his own to find its meaning.

In the market, and pervade the show. Or maybe in the waste and filth. Or maybe in a uniform row of graves. Or maybe the release of 14-inch monitor-style offering dissent desires, a la Levi's and Motorola. Or tower theatrical Supermall. Soap opera composer committee election law that silliness membanyol about democracy, narrative tie. Mask with the chaos of liberation mutilation arguments about how to freshen habituation position himself in front of a pile of feces the reformers of the world figure called free market. And trade fair, to then treat life as academy, and castrated the sun, too early to betray.

And heroism renamed C4, Sukhoi, and fiction fenced constitution. Visit each prisoner and the tribute of flowers from the tomb of heroes tomb neighbors. From idol to anonimus called bird Garuda Pancasila, which appeared on each site into a floating piece of rock on the axis parallel to the face shield and protector of the pharaoh's tomb guards berkhakis. Which appeared 24 hours of sunlight and darkness switch places on each corner, even in the general campus and gutter, looking for the target consumer, and the homogenization of eligibility. So each number into it and meaning. When we are treated to every statistic and the muzzle of the weapon with thousands of units to keep stability SSK. Since black and white is only valid in the eyes.

Terasuki reject Satan and God are embodied in the canon-canon chatter support a Big Mac and Ice Cream Cone is called "Buy, buy, buy, consume, we consume so that you can participate in their child's efforts berjibaku country to the pilgrimage." Oh, how pulling the world is certain. Ensuring all life and a plurality of the sheet of an insurance contract, with the promise of reward bertubi, with the promise of more value accumulation, the stock market, and the semantic-semantic power only means the regular period of time when the representative at the parliament building began bargaining seats. Oh how beautiful the world is berkalang dawn abject points. Pawns so that wallow in the country behind the justification of national stabilization find justification for their evolution berbentangkan enlightenment channels are tired of the rockstar lamented. Because the sweat dries before the tide visible giri market flies, and the kilogram reflection window, and display the idols, scale is more afraid of the dregs of hell. Among the letters of recommendation rips donor countries, the designer of the law and the facts of anti-terror, the architects of the language of conquest, the pengagung freedom, freedom which is only valid in the presence Flatron screen, phone plurality, democracy, the ballot box, and pluralism of the building collapsed.

Oh how great the world in front row of the castrated headstone sun, too early to betray. So, do not allow me to die too soon, O's rotation and a set of CD boomboxes frail. Do not allow me to discipline himself into the ranks of the army, O celluloid and narrative. And by extension of crumbs in your mouth my son, do not allow me to sleep every remaining vessels guards that I have the desire today. For the sake of every letter in every fable that kututurkan you before bed zahraku, mentariku.

Do not let me stop a second visit to each grave with no time swords unsheathed. Soundly asleep without one eye open. Without a willingness to sponsor the morning part. Without the right arm and my left is the sun and the moon, stars and sickle, hammer and sickle, earth and sky, sea and trenches, and the wings and rafts. So that the entire assembling each paruku crowded spikes most likely, any possible increase in the impossibility, so that everyone we met could not find another single point of possibility, to say impossible, without their dried blood, before the eyes of a rusty pen, and refused to return filled.

And the sun no longer possible to double-cross castrated morning,,

Like a body, the Indonesian people are infected with a deadly disease, that is corruption! So severe the illness, the Indonesian people became famous throughout the world. The disease was called. It's time we treat this body seriously, no more corruption in this country! Change must start from now! Maybe it could start with a simple life away from the motto of this nation, "forward undaunted to defend the pay!"

We apologize if my words are less acceptable in your heart. Thank you for your attention. Wassalam